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Storage and warehousing of powder colors

Storage and warehousing of powder colors
Storage and warehousing of powder colors

The storage ability and easy maintenance of powder coating is one of their practical advantages, but proper storage conditions are the main requirement for this, the storage time and conditions of powder coatings, like any other product, affect their physical and chemical properties, and the resulting changes in the coating powder may lead to changes in the physical and chemical properties of the final coating, the proper storage conditions of powder coatings cause the powder coating to become lumpy and even lose its reusability.


Effective factors in powder coating clumping:

Heat (high temperature)

The best temperature for storing powder colors is below 25 degrees Celsius, or this reason, it is necessary to use a suitable cooling/heating system in powder coating warehouses, avoid keeping the coating powder near the oven, this can lead to the powder temperature rising and lumpiness.



High humidity in powder colors causes them to stick together, as the powders become sticky, their flowability is reduced, spraying is not done well, and finally it leads to a coating with non-uniform thickness, relative humidity suitable for keeping powder coatings is below 45%, therefore, the storage of powder colors should not be in a humid environment, and suitable dryers and air conditioners should be used for this purpose.



Sunlight, due to its high radiation energy and UV rays, can cause partial penetration of tangled particles and change their nature. To avoid such effects, it is better to store powder coating in its original packaging and in a covered warehouse protected from dust pollution before final use.


Arrangement conditions

It is not allowed to arrange more than 4 cartons on top of each other, arranging more than this number will cause pressure on the carton and coating powder, and in addition to tearing the bottom row carton, it can lead to lumping of coating powder.


Transportation and handling

The transportation of powder coatings should be carried out with cargo and covered vehicles. Also, the cartons should not be placed in such a way that the force of the weight of the load is applied to the powder inside the cartons. The timing of sending should be such that the movement is not done during the peak heat (noon) and the time of the highest intensity of sunlight, and in the hot seasons of the year, the transportation time should be reduced to the minimum possible amount. In the hot seasons, it is better to use refrigerated trucks to avoid any damage to the product during transportation.



Production and collection: Rangin Kimia Industrial Complex

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